Tag: oceania
New Zealand Ministry Of Health Data Demonstrates Medical Cannabis Industry Growth
New Zealand’s modern emerging medical cannabis industry largely got its start in 2020, although limited legal medical cannabis sales of Sativex occurred in New Zealand prior to that. New Zealand’s Ministry of Health states on its website, “The Medicinal Cannabis Scheme came into effect on 1 April 2020 with the commencement of the Misuse of…
How Much Hemp Does Tasmania Grow?
Tasmania is an island state of Australia, located 240 kilometers to the south of the Australian mainland. Tasmania’s government is currently working to overhaul the Industrial Hemp Act 2015, which currently serves as the legal framework for Tasmania’s emerging hemp industry. “A recent report showed that Tasmanian hemp fields remained severely contracted in the 2023-2024…
How Much Tax Revenue Would Cannabis Legalization Generate In Australia?
Australia is home to a legal medical cannabis industry, with regulated medical cannabis approvals in Australia reaching 304,000 in the first half of 2023. That marked a 120% increase over the same period in 2022. “Rhys Cohen of the Victoria, Australia-based Penington Institute estimated that Australian patients spent roughly 250 million Australian dollars ($167 million)…