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73% Of Americans Want Legalization To Benefit Cannabis Workers

The Parabola Center has released the results of a recently conducted survey which found that 73% of poll participants want cannabis legalization to benefit employees that work in the emerging legal cannabis industry.

According to its website, the Parabola Center is “a nonpartisan think tank of legal professionals and drug policy experts coming together to protect people, not corporations.”

“Our mission is to provide everyone with the education, access, and expertise to support cannabis legalization policies that put people and small businesses first.” the Parabola Center also states on its website.

As part of the publishing of the recent survey’s results, the Parabola Center points out that it is a “first of its kind” poll, and that it “documents the beliefs that American
adults hold about who should benefit from marijuana legalization and who they trust to create good, equitable cannabis policy.”

parabola center legalization poll

“We surveyed 404 American adults, age 21 and over, in September 2023. We recruited survey participants through an established research panel. About half of the participants (201) watched six educational videos before taking a survey. The other half (203) took the survey before watching the videos. The unweighted sample is not representative of the United States. However, we weighted the data to create estimates that represent the U.S. adult (18+) population. This study was approved by RTI’s IRB.” the Parabola Center stated about its survey methodology.

“The mean age of the people that we surveyed was 48 years old. We surveyed people who identified as American Indian/Alaska Native (12.4%), Asian (12.1%), Black (29.5%), Hispanic or Latino/a/e (13.9%), Native Hawaiian (2.7%), multiracial or another racial identity (9.4%), and white (45%). Most of the people we surveyed identified as women (49.5%) and transgender women (0.5%), men (49%) and transgender men (0.5%). A very small percentage (0.2%) described themselves as questioning or identity not listed. No participants identified as nonbinary, genderqueer, or genderfluid. By political philosophy the people we surveyed identified as very conservative (11.6%), somewhat conservative (18.3%), moderate (35.4%), somewhat liberal (19.6%), very liberal (12.9%), or none of the above (2.2%).” the Parabola Center also stated about its survey.

Total legal cannabis sales in the United States are expected to reach $31.4 billion in 2024 according to a recent analysis by Whitney Economics. Additionally, leading cannabis jobs platform Vangst, in conjunction with Whitney Economics, estimates that the legal cannabis industry now supports 440,445 full time-equivalent cannabis jobs in the United States.

Whitney Economics also projects the following legal cannabis sales figures in the United States for the coming years:

  • 2024: $31.4 billion (9.1% growth from 2023)
  • 2025: $35.2 billion (12.1% growth from 2024)
  • 2030: $67.2 billion
  • 2035: $87.0 billion

The emerging legal cannabis industry in the United States is projected to add roughly $112 billion to the nation’s economy in 2024 according to a newly released analysis by MJBiz Daily. The projection is part of the company’s 2024 MJBiz Factbook.

“The total U.S. economic impact generated by regulated marijuana sales could top $112.4 billion in 2024, about 12% more than last year,” MJBiz stated in its initial reporting.

The United States adult-use cannabis industry has generated over $20 billion in total tax revenue since the first legal recreational cannabis purchase was made in Colorado on January 1st, 2014 according to a new report by the Marijuana Policy Project.

“Through the first quarter of 2024, states have reported a combined total of more than $20 billion in tax revenue from legal, adult-use cannabis sales. In 2023 alone, legalization states generated more than $4 billion in cannabis tax revenue from adult-use sales, which is the most revenue generated by cannabis sales in a single year.” the Marijuana Policy project stated in a press release.