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49% Of Home Cannabis Cultivators Get Their Grow Information From The Internet

According to recent survey results published by New Frontier Data, 49% of people who cultivate their own cannabis turn to the internet for guidance and information. The rest of the survey participants indicated that they “lean on friends, family, or their own green thumbs.”

“Seeds are slightly more popular than clones, with 44% opting for seeds and 13% for clones—but 40% of adventurous growers use both.” New Frontier data stated. “Most growers (72%) stick to the tried-and-true soil or compost method, proving that sometimes, you just can’t beat the classics. When it comes to stocking up on supplies, 59% head to their local hardware or garden store, while others take the high-tech route, ordering from online cannabis cultivation shops (32%).

“Despite the love for DIY, many are keen on automation—74% would likely use an automated system to take the guesswork out of growing. But it’s not all smooth sailing; pests (37%) and producing top-quality buds (29%) remain the biggest headaches.” New Frontier Data also reported.

Cannabit home cultivation survey data new frontier

According to a separate survey that was recently conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Royal Queen Seeds, most cannabis cultivators prefer to start their gardens with seeds versus clones or seedlings.

“The 2024 survey of Americans 21 and older conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Royal Queen Seeds (RQS), one of the world’s largest and most trusted cannabis seed banks, shows that 59% of Americans agree that all Americans should have the right to legally grow cannabis at home.” the companies stated in a press release.

The study also found that:

  • 81% of cannabis consumers agree all Americans should have the right to grow at home
  • 62% of cannabis consumers would rather grow their own cannabis than buy it
  • 34% of cannabis consumers who have grown at home do so because they feel safer consuming their own home-grown flower compared to store-bought cannabis
  • 26% of cannabis consumers have grown at home
  • 21% who have not grown at home would like to try
  • 56% of cannabis consumers who have grown cannabis at home admit to singing or playing music for their cannabis plants
  • 61% who plan to grow cannabis at home this year plan on growing in Spring (March-May); 49% in Summer (June-August); 24% in Fall (Sep-Nov); 29% in Winter (Dec-Feb)
  • 61% who plan to grow cannabis at home this year say they will grow cannabis from seeds; 21% from clones or seedlings
  • 44% who plan to grow cannabis at home this year say they will grow indoors; 33% outdoors